نمایش 625–636 از 712 نتیجه

نه ایستگاهه | Hoist CMJ-6000-2 9 Station

The NEW HOIST Commercial Multi Jungle System can be configured to meet both the needs of your facility and the fitness requirements of your members. Expand the jungle from the standard (4) station pod to a (9) station or (14) station with the additions of the Crossover Pull-up Bar (CMJ-OPT-01). The Jungle System keeps users interested by offering the ability to work their entire body and the flexibility to define their own exercises.

نیمكت پرس بالا سینه با رك المپیكی | Hoist CF-3172 Incline Olympic Bench

Combining European styling with American engineering, HOIST® takes commercial free weight equipment to a whole new level. The new CF Line features the same aesthetic distinction and durable construction as the popular HOIST ROC-IT™ line.

نیمكت پرس زیر سینه با رك المپیكی | Hoist CF-3177 Decline Olympic Bench

Combining European styling with American engineering, HOIST® takes commercial free weight equipment to a whole new level. The new CF Line features the same aesthetic distinction and durable construction as the popular HOIST ROC-IT™ line.