نمایش 181–192 از 477 نتیجه

دستگاه چهار ایستگاهه | Pulse 904H 4 Station

Combining four strength machines it makes the most efficient use of space for smaller gyms Easy-read instruction placards and optional

دستگاه خارج پا | Hoist RS-2407 Outer Thigh

Dynamic adjustment is the essence behind the new ROC-IT™line from HOIST®. Using ROX™ technology, the user becomes an integral part of the exercise by continuously adjusting the position of the user with the movement of the exercise arm. As a result, the ROC-IT line embodies a unique training experience that achieves the unrestricted joint movement and core activating benefits of functional training coupled with the stabilizing benefits of machine-based equipment. Try it out for yourself and experience the ride of the ROC-IT line!