نمایش 97–108 از 130 نتیجه

دستگاه قایقی | Precor RMS0302 Longpull

The Longpull modular station can be used in an Icarian® modular system as a plug-in station, or as part of a tandem modular core. The Longpull has a raised seat for convenient entry and exit. The extra-large footplate accommodates users of all sizes. The mid-row position allows users to maintain an upright back position. Handles are easily interchangeable.

دستگاه قایقی | Precor RSL0310 Seated Row

The Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Lat Pulldown features wide handles to maximize lat muscle engagement and ensure sound biomechanics. The ratcheting gas-assisted seat adjusts to fit a wide range of users.

دستگاه قایقی | Precor VSL019 Seated Row​

The Vitality™ Series Seated Row features an adjustable chest pad and seat height for desired starting position. Extra-long seat allows taller users to get a full range of motion. Comfortable grips with multiple hand positions fit users of all sizes. Users can easily engage the add-on weight with a simple push of a lever to increase the work load.