نمایش 1–12 از 130 نتیجه


Easy-to-use, the gas shock assisted adjustable back pad accommodates varying arm lengths Self-aligning roller pad automatically adjusts to reduce potential

Hoist RS-2601 Abdominals

Dynamic adjustment is the essence behind the new ROC-IT™line from HOIST®. Using ROX™ technology, the user becomes an integral part of the exercise by continuously adjusting the position of the user with the movement of the exercise arm. As a result, the ROC-IT line embodies a unique training experience that achieves the unrestricted joint movement and core activating benefits of functional training coupled with the stabilizing benefits of machine-based equipment. Try it out for yourself and experience the ride of the ROC-IT line!

دستگاه پشت بازو كششی | Hoist RS-1103 Triceps Extension

-Contoured arm handles provide multiple grip positions -Adjustable seat for varying user heights -When the exercise handles are pressed forward the torso support rocks rearward reducing stress on the lower back -Articulating arms allow a variety of triceps exercises to be performed -Effectively exercises all 3 heads of the triceps for more muscle engagement -Foot assist bar brings exercise arms within closer reach for an easier starting position -User friendly access to weight stack

دستگاه پرس پا | Precor RSL0602 Leg Press

The Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Lat Pulldown features wide handles to maximize lat muscle engagement and ensure sound biomechanics. The ratcheting gas-assisted seat adjusts to fit a wide range of users.