نمایش 85–96 از 164 نتیجه

دستگاه مسگری | Precor RSL0315 Rotary Torso

A unique ratcheting system on the Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Rotary Torso easily adjusts the start position so users can move efficiently into their workout. Arm, seat and back pad position secures the user and maximizes oblique muscle engagement.

دستگاه نشر از جانب | Precor RSL0504 Lateral Raise

A gas-assisted seat and inward-facing orientation help users of the Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Lateral Raise easily align shoulder joint to pivot and deliver a smooth, targeted movement. Padded arms and fixed handles allow for easy user positioning and ensure smooth interaction between user and equipment.

دوچرخه | Precor AssaultBike Elite

With low-maintenance design and extreme durability, the CLM 835 climber uses the same low-friction, self-powered generator system as the Precor Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers™. All this adds up to a smooth feel and quiet movement for users.