نمایش 25–36 از 79 نتیجه

دستگاه قایقی | Precor RSL0310 Seated Row

The Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Lat Pulldown features wide handles to maximize lat muscle engagement and ensure sound biomechanics. The ratcheting gas-assisted seat adjusts to fit a wide range of users.

دستگاه قایقی اچ و تی | Precor DPL0309 Seated Row

The Discovery™ Series Plate Loaded Line Seated Row features independent movement arms, diverging pulling angles and regressive strength curves to reduce force at the bottom part of the movement and allow for a full range of motion.

دستگاه گلوت | Precor RSL0618 Glute Extension

The sound biomechanics of the Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Glute Extension deliver a unique, targeted workout for the user. Elbow pad, handles and large base platform stabilize the user during exercise and deliver a smooth, flowing and precise motion.