نمایش 13–24 از 79 نتیجه

دستگاه جلو بازو | Precor DPL0520 Biceps Curl

Patterned after the traditional preacher curl configuration, the Discovery™ Series Plate Loaded Line Biceps Curl delivers smooth, fluid motion and phenomenal reliability

دستگاه جلو بازو | Precor RSL0204 Biceps Curl

Ease-of-use and reliability are core attributes of the Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Biceps Curl. The ratcheting gas-assisted seat adjusts to fit a wide range of users.

دستگاه جلو پا | Precor RSL0605 Leg Extension

The Discovery™ Series Selectorized Line Lat Pulldown features wide handles to maximize lat muscle engagement and ensure sound biomechanics. The ratcheting gas-assisted seat adjusts to fit a wide range of users.